‘Hamptons’ is the most overused word in design

Every home I see, every post I see somehow has an affiliation with the word “Hamptons”.

I like to think its the biggest Australian Architectural movement since Mid Century Modern in the 70s.

Hamptons is an exclusive suburb outside of New York State where the wealthy of wealthy have holiday homes. The Hamptons achitectural movement started around 10 years ago. It was copied to a tee; tiled roof, grey render, stone cladding, white windows, timber floors, shaker door kitchen, ornate fixtures and marble everywhere.

And over the past 10 years, this architectural movement has trickled down to every other home and even if only one of these design elements is used in a home, its classed as Hamptons.

Its not a Hamptons home you want to design, it’s a classic home. Classic elements include the same architectural features, yet we get to be more specific on the look and not just use the term Hamptons. Classic is the new Hamptons. Classic doesn’t date. But Hamptons already has. 

If you need help defining your style for your home, book in for a free discovery call to see how we can work together.

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